Monday Mumbling Pre-Empted by Guest Blogging

Today I am over at the Torquere blog Romance for the Rest of Us. I’m going to be talking about Winterlude, the book and the festival. I’ve got several posts going up through the day, including a little romantic V-day ficlet of Omar and Lucas. So stop by and leave a comment on one of the posts because one lucky commenter during the day will win a gift pack of Canadian delicacies.

If you are wondering when to stop by, the schedule is:

9:30 – Introduction
11:30 – Crystal Gardens
1:30 – Longest skating rink in the world
3:30 – Lucas and Omar celebrate Valentine’s Day
5:30 – The mystery of BeaverTails revealed

Just click on the banner below and it will take you to the blog. You have until 10:30 EST today (20th) to enter for a chance to win the goodies.

Ugh. Sorry guys. Didn’t realize I schedule them on a blog set for PST, not EST. Sigh. Of course blogger and IE at work are mortal enemies so I have my kid at home posting my stuff for me. LOL Thank god for holidays from school. First two are up now.

Friday – Shiny and New – Random

So I don’t have much in the way of concrete new things this week. I’m in my PMS reading slump, have read hardly anything and the only new thing I bought myself was a new car battery. Woohoo. Go me. But I have run across some “new” things on the internet.

Adam of Cocky & Rude fame (infamy?) posted this link to a “hand artist” on Facebook. The work is so amazing. You can just scroll through the pictures forever. The really don’t look like hands sometimes but like paintings.

Someone else on Facebook posted a link to the website Ghetto Hikes. The person who posts the information leads city kids on nature tours, and he simply records what they say and puts it on the website. Oh my god. Those kids are hilarious at times. I have no idea how old these kids are, I’m assuming middle/high school given the language. Their ignorance about nature and a naive fascination with it all comes through despite their language. Some examples:

“Ernesto know all about plants n’ fungi n’ shit, his mama work at Subway.”

“Hey Dustin! Getcha ass ova here! We buildin’ bird feeders! Peanut butter pinecone craft time motherfucka!”

“We thought Thurman ova there havin’ a seizure, turns out he just excited about nature.”

Then there is a contribution from my daughter. We were arguing in the car over whether she had ever heard the new Dragonette song New Shoes which I have heard many times and she claims to have never heard, and I was teasing her about being out of the loop. So she mentioned the Chuck Testa video.

Me: No clue.
Her: What? I can’t believe it. I’m ashamed you’re my mother. How can you not know the Chuck Testa video?
Me: No idea what you’re talking about.

So the minute we got home she had to show me the Chuck Testa video. Okay, I’ll give her that, it’s funny and then someone took it and songified it, which is even funnier and rather catchy. So thanks to the kidlet for dragging me back into the “cool kids’ club”.

And in case you think he’s just a made up guy …

Happy V-Day

Not VD Day, that’s April 9. 😉  Hope you all know that no matter whether you have a “lover” in your life or not, you are special and someone cares about you, somewhere, especially here on my blog.

Over at Brief Encounters Reviews today my new free story has been released. People asked to know what Derek’s problem was, and hopefully I’ve explained it in an entertaining manner. Just click on the cover and you’ll get to the info about where you can download it. Have a wonderful day everyone and chocolate and kisses from me to you.

Monday Mumbling – I love you

Yes, tomorrow is the day. Valentine’s Day. Hearts, flowers, candy, romance, love. Eh. I’m not anti-Valentine’s, I just don’t have any feeling about it really, I’ve never been a huge fan, of course being young and in love you make it a special day, but mostly? Whatever.

There are a few publishers with Valentine’s specials out this week. I know Less Than Three has a bunch and I think maybe Silver and a few from Torquere. Seems everyone is jumping on the theme bandwagon these days. I don’t mind reading some, I can take a fair dose of sugar with my romance, but often they are pretty fluffy.

So how about you? What’s your feelings on Valentine’s? If you are in a relationship do you do something special? Do you splash all out, roses, ipads, diamonds, or just tokens. If single do you care? Do you get depressed because everyone is swanning around in love, and you are alone with your dead black soul eating chocolate in the dark and crying? Umm. Okay, maybe not that last part. Do you do something for your kids, or parents or friends or coworkers?

I usually get my kid something. Chocolate or a little something with a funny card sometimes if I find one. But nothing too fancy. Even when I was with someone on V-Day it was more like a nice dinner and some chocolate, not the big fancy gift, nor did I ever receive one. Florists and others capitalize on the special day to crank the prices and that annoys me.

So here is a no-cal Valentine’s gift for you. Since we are all hopeless romantics who read romance (except Adam who is a curmudgeon), some lovely black and white kisses.

An Unsettled Range by Andrew Grey

Title: An Unsettled Range (Range #3)
Author: Andrew Grey
Length: 180 pdf pages
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Genre: m/m contemporary

Blurb:  The last thing Liam Southard expects when he flees his abusive father is to be taken in by a couple of gay ranchers. Soon he has a new job and a new perspective on his sexuality, and his life starts to turn around. Then someone pulls a gun on him.

In Troy Gardener’s defense, the gun thing was a mistake. Between his marriage falling apart and living in his uncle’s isolated hunting cabin, he’s been a little edgy. He wants to make it up to Liam, and once he discovers how much they have in common, he wants even more. But with Liam’s father popping in unexpectedly and a mining company threatening the ranch’s water supply, the only guarantee is that life is never going to be boring.

Review:  This edition in the Range books starts with giving you a bit of background about both characters. Liam is near dead and tumbles into a ditch, when he’s rescued by Wally of book #1 who takes him home. Meanwhile Troy’s brother (also gay) discovers he’s having a gay affair and makes him face up to the fact and confess to his wife, with whom he has a young daughter. It then hops forward, seems Troy’s life went to shit and he has escaped to an old hunting cabin his uncle left him, which just happens to be near Wally and Dakota’s ranch. When they see smoke, Liam, who is now working for Wally, goes to check it out, only to be met by surly Troy and his shotgun.

Eventually he apologises and he’s torn about Liam who he knows is attracted to him. He’s so guilt-stricken over how he hurt his wife and daughter, that he doesn’t believe he should ever fall in love again or deserve to. However after being a bit of an ass, and Wally kicking it metaphorically, they finally start to work things out, only to have Liam’s evil father show up wanting something. And then Wally kicks his ass literally. 🙂 As well, a mining company is offering the town a lot of money for their community centre, but they want water rights which would likely mean in dry season many ranches would be in big trouble. Haven from book 2 is quite in a snit about this and they try to find a way to stop the company.

Andrew Grey writes a certain type of book, which when you are in the mood for it hits the spot. There is the abusive father of the poor gay boy, who is rescued by the gay ranchers. There is fairly near to insta-love, but in this case it all seemed to work for me on the day I read it. I liked that Troy, with some pushing from Liam reconnected with his family and that his wife wasn’t a raging bitch who wanted to get revenge at the expense of their child. It’s nice to have a woman who while hurt, does the right thing for her kid. Liam was cute and had a great attitude despite the abuse he had suffered and was kind of a dominant force in the bedroom.

Yes, it’s all wrapped up in a pink bow at the end for a variety of reasons, the mining company hits a wall, Liam gets his father back for the years of abuse, Troy reunites with his daughter and he and Liam live HEA. My only niggle was Troy had worked for the government in Washington, he gave his ex the house and all of the money he inherited from his Grandparents, he had no job and no visible means of support. What the heck was he going to do for money? LOL Even if he sold the cabin and land, he had to split it with his brother and you can’t live that long on the proceeds.

But I was in the mood for sweet and romantic with some cowboys. Wally and his lions and tigers were still going strong with Liam being their primary caretaker. You see a lot of mama-bear Wally, but Dakota is not around much because he’s still off doing his internship, but his Dad is still there. You do see Philip and Haven some, so fans of the previous books will enjoy seeing the guys. Anyway, I enjoyed it and was in the mood for that kind of story.

Friday – Shiny and New – Night Wardens Series

So I’ve decided to see if every Friday I can come up with something new. This could be a new-to-me author, a new series, a new TV show, new food, new pair of shoes, just something that is new in my life that week. We’ll see if I keep it up. (Don’t hold your breath.)

Anyway, this week I’ll post about a new series I started reading by Stephani Hecht, Night Wardens, which I saw recommended by Eyre on Goodreads.

The premise here is that in centuries past, the Night Wardens, sort of suped up humans, protected regular humans from the paranormal creatures of the world. However the paranormals have been behaving and despite still training, the Wardens don’t have much to do, until suddenly the paranormals lose the ability and the Wardens are called back into action, however there are only 10 of them and they are all pretty young and really have no experience or leadership save for the Oracle, a female deity who shows up once in a while to offer guidance.

This series is rather like the Lost Shifters in that each book (I presume) focuses on a different Warden along with the overarching story-line of getting those pesky paranormals back in line.

The first book, Night Terrors, follows the story of Rev whose family was killed by feral vampires when he was 12 and now his uncle, the Warden leader has sent him off to university to learn how to fit into the real world. When some slimy demons start attacking humans, he and his roommate, Ari, are called home and into action. Rev is assigned a Guardian, Jess, (sort of like a mentor/trainer) and while they are both attracted, the “rules” state that Guardians should not be to close to their Wardens and besides, Wardens need to reproduce to get more. However as in all good romance, pshaw.

I liked Rev, he really doesn’t want to be a Warden, he still holds a grudge that his family was killed, but when push comes to shove he does what he has to do with a bit of an attitude. He’s twinky but kick-ass and will take out a demon without blinking. Jess starts as a bit of an asshole, remembering Rev as an annoying kid, but he soon comes around and I loved how Rev would push him and throw Jess off kilter.

Book two, Coffin Dodger, is Ari’s story. Ari’s family was killed and he was captured by feral vamps and held as a blood slave for two years and he suffers greatly. Both scarring and PTSD from the event. However Adam, Rev’s cousin and now the new leader has always loved Ari, but Ari feels he’s too damaged to be with anyone and is not doing well.

I do have a soft spot for the emotionally damaged character and Ari fit that to a tee. I ranted along with him when he yelled at the Oracle for not helping him and wanted to cry when he was so damaged. *sniffle* He kind of reminded me of Riley from Lost Shifters. I just wanted to hug him.

So there are lots of creepy monsters in this that are fun, I suppose. 🙂 It’s got the author’s trademark humour and lightness along with the fighting and killing and touch of angst. I also like the author’s use of current pop culture references. I know there is conflicting theory on whether that’s a good thing or not, but it works for me.

There are several other Wardens and I think more of them might be gay than the organization would like. LOL Seeing the twins stalk down one was very amusing, and I believe this series intersects with the Drone Vampires because one new character introduced late in the second book is a Drone Vamp who was held captive with Ari. But it is definitely independent and you don’t need to read the other series to get into this one.

They are fairly short novellas, around 130 pages, but they are nice easy reading and I’m looking forward to the follow-up stories to come.

Granite: A Rocky Start by G.H. Worth

Title: Granite: A Rocky Start
Author: G.H. Worth
Length: 21,500 words (102 pages)
Publisher: Torquere Press

Blurb:  The attraction simmering between Detective Baxter Alexander and Assistant District Attorney Cameron Hamilton for two years finally explodes into life during the middle of an important homicide investigation gone bad. Both men are dedicated to doing their jobs, and finding time for a personal life isn’t easy, especially a new lover, when reality keeps getting in the way. No matter how hard they try to spend time together, nothing goes as planned, but despite a rocky start, they’re determined to keep trying.


While this story seems to have a police/mystery plot, that is really a minor aspect of the story. It starts with detective Baxter facing off with ADA Cameron when a judge throws out DNA evidence, meaning a killer is going to get off. Cameron has been getting under Baxter’s skin for a couple of years, he can’t help being attracted to the guy even though his attitude drives him crazy. However as they argue over the options for the case, Baxter makes a move which freaks Cameron out. He’s in the closet and figures Baxter wants to use his sexuality to blackmail him in some way.

Once he realizes that Baxter is serious, it’s revealed that Cameron has been lusting after him as well. Then things start to go wrong. Every time they try to get together something seems to go wrong, work interferes, their car is vandalized after a date and they have to deal with that, then Baxter has family plans and despite Cam’s exhaustion he agrees to help his sister, a caterer, out by tending bar for a wedding. By chance it’s the wedding of Baxter’s brother and when he sees a napping Cameron he attempts to wake him up in cutesy fashion, leading to Cameron smashing him in the face with his head and breaking his nose. What can go wrong, does, however it gets Baxter out of the wedding party with is annoying SIL and he can introduce Baxter to his family.

I really liked both guys. They take their jobs seriously and work a lot and hard, but Baxter was very good about making workaholic Cameron put work aside. They were cute and likable characters. Cameron even decides to come out for Baxter. Even though it ends fairly quickly (the book takes place over about 4 or 5 days) with declarations of love, they had known each other for a couple of years so it wasn’t that odd.

There were some nice secondary characters, Baxter’s straight partner who he sniped at and with all the time but was fine with him being gay, Cameron’s secretary who is his  sister’s best friend, and then Baxter’s parents. I would have liked to know what was going to happen with his brother’s fiance, no one seemed to like her that much, including Baxter’s parents, so I would have liked to see something come of that. But on the whole they rounded out the story nicely.

I kept shaking my head as their romance was diverted but it didn’t carry on that long (5 days, not 5 weeks, and they didn’t see each other every day) and with their high pressure jobs and the nightmare of the case gone bad, it made sense and fit their lives. So a nice read with an easy flowing style that worked for me with a quite a few good-natured snipey snarky conversations between characters which always work for me.

Monday Mumbling – Facials

Okay, you know I’m not talking about the kind in that picture. I read something on Tumblr recently, well, a link I should have saved, but it was about the increasing prevalence of facials in porn and real life, and where that came from and what it means. It primarily referred to straight porn, but apparently it started as a way to show the viewer the reaction of the woman to the guy finishing. Since you couldn’t focus the camera on the money shot and her absolute bliss at seeing her man come *coughbullshitcough*, if he came on her face, you had the best of both worlds.

The next point was that this is very demeaning and misogynistic, and way to degrade women. In the many comments there were several younger people (not sure male or female) who said they had partners give them a facial without warning. Most people were outraged that someone would do that without asking explicit permission, other people said they didn’t mind, a rather whatever attitude.

So I started thinking about m/m and how prevalent this practice is. I’ve read it a few times, I can’t think of any specifically off-hand. Perhaps I’m in the “whatever” category, or have been desensitized to it? Is it different than ejaculating on their chest, stomach, butt, *insert other body part*? I’ll be perfectly honest, I’ve not ever experienced this in real life, but I’m assuming my reaction would depend largely on the intent behind it, and the relationship with the person. Like any sex act, it can come across as hot and sexy, or gross and degrading, depending on the situation.

So do you have any particular feelings about facials in your romance? (Or real life, whatever you feel comfortable sharing. I have heard it hurts like a bitch if you get it in your eye.) I’ve never written one, maybe because it just doesn’t pop to my mind as something to include, but if I did, it certainly wouldn’t be with the intent to degrade the other character, just another activity to share between two consenting adults.

I’m declining to post another subject-related pic, but they all look pretty happy in the pics on Google. Ahem.